We turn local food waste into organic mycelium-based fertilizer to help farmers practice regenerative agriculture

Regenerate soil, increase nutrients & protect our ecosystem with MycoFlo

a few farm machines in a field
a few farm machines in a field

Conventional Agriculture is destroying our Ecosystem

Synthetic fertilizers are degrading our soils, stripping both nutrients and microbial diversity, while toxifying our water supply. Experts have declared that the excess nitrogen is one of the most severe pollution threats facing our ecosystem today. Farmers have been stuck in a cycle of dependency to big oil products without any viable solutions...until now!

Regenerative Agricultural Evolution!

With growing environmental concerns and the need for regenerative agriculture, Farmers are increasingly exploring and adopting new approaches to stop the negative impacts of synthetic fertilizers and ensure the long-term viability of their farming practices. At MycoFlo, we have engineered a product that not only nurtures the soil and supports a thriving microbial ecosystem.

man standing on garden during daytime
man standing on garden during daytime

We help farmers transition to regenerative agriculture!

Transitioning from toxic synthetic fertilizers to our organic, regenerative, ecosystem supporting fertilizer, we help farmers experience a remarkable boost in both yield and crop health. Their crops benefit with more nutritious higher yields, as our advanced enzymes, vitamins, and amino acids work their magic in creating living soil.


On average, Farmers save 60% per acre using MycoFlo compared to synthetic fertilizers, which can lower food costs for consumers.

MycoFlo mycelium-based organic fertilizer

Help us help farmers transition to regenerative agriculture!